Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the rules for using the Internet at Covenant Christian High School. Because of the unregulated nature of material found on the Internet, the rules of use must be clearly understood by parents and students.
Access to the Internet is a privilege and conduct on the Internet is to reflect our Christian principles and beliefs. It is the student’s responsibility to access Internet sites that are directly related to his/her academic studies. Covenant Christian High School’s faculty and staff will make every effort to monitor, educate and guide students in the proper use of the Internet in their academic studies, but ultimately it is their responsibility to use the Internet wisely.
By providing students with access to the Internet, we can contribute to their educational opportunities in many ways by allowing them to:
1. Access magazine databases provided to us by the State of Michigan.
2. Integrate up-to-date information into their reports and projects.
3. Learn from us, as we guide them, how to use the Internet wisely.
4. Learn the necessary skills to enable them to use the Internet in college and the workplace.
Appropriate Use
1. Using the Internet for class-related research.
2. Accessing other libraries on-line.
Inappropriate Use
1. Using the Internet without a librarian or faculty member present.
2. Accessing inappropriate and offensive sites.
3. Using E-mail accounts unrelated to school course work.
4. Participating in chat groups.
5. Using the Internet in any way that violates copyright laws.
Disciplinary Actions
1. Administrator-Student conference.
2. Loss of Internet access.
3. Financial restitution for any damages.
4. Suspension or other disciplinary action determined to be appropriate.