Church History

Protestant Reformed Churches - Great place to search the Standard Bearer and pamphlets produced by our churches.
Bible Gateway - Bible references, commentaries, and concordances.
Bible Study - Bible references, commentaries, and concordances.
Blue Letter Bible - Bible references, commentaries, and concordances.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Classic Christian books in electronic format.
Monergism - Directory of theology and bible.
Christian History Magazine
Christian History Institute - Explore 20 centuries
of church history.
Christianity Today - Magazine
Christian Today - History of church
New Advent - Church Fathers.
Timeline - Reformation history timeline.






Family History
Heritage Quest - Search your family history in our library.
Ancestry Surname - Find the meaning of your surname.
Michigan Geneology

American Literature

PAL Perspectives in American Literature - A Research and Reference Guide.
Literary Resources American - List of websites on American literature.
American Authors
- Contains links to authors, timelines, literary movements, and other American Literature sites.
American Authors on the Web - Contains links to American authors and other general resources.
  - History of African Americans in song.
Literary Criticism