Non-Christian Religions & the Cults
Unit Seven: The New Age Movement
The basic teachings of the group are listed below in the unit summary. To learn more on how to defend against these teachings check out the apologetic links below the summary. To learn more about what the group itself says, check out the links at the bottom of the page.
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." - I Tim:4:3-4
Reformed Look at the New Age Movement - Rev. Houck
Unit Summary
The name of the New Age movement comes from the teaching that the Piscean Age is over and we are about to usher in a new age, the Age of Aquarius. An age of human brotherhood and occult happenings.
It is important to recognize that New Age thinking permeates the theology of a wide range of alternative religions and cultic movements, many that predated the contemporary New Age Movement.
1. Witchcraft and Shamanism
2. Astrology
3. Hinduism & Yoga
4. Mormonism
5. Spiritualism
6. Christian Science
7. Mysticism
8. Feminism, Wicca, Radical Ecology Movement
9. Secular Humanism
10. Channeling
11. Visualization
12. Crystal Powers
The New Age came into its own in the 1980's through a number of events that brought together all the these elements that comprise the movement.
There is no single organization or leader, it is a very broad philosophical and religious movement.
The basic teaching is that mankind is stepping beyond its self-imposed limits to merge with the unlimited powers of the universe.
We are all part of that one "divinity" and mankind must realize their "godhood" through various means, visualization, holistic health, yoga, meditation, reincarnation, imaging, biofeedback, channeling spirits, and many others which are in the numbered list above.
"In whom the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." - II Cor. 4:4
Check out the links below to find out more about him and his leadership of this group.
Profile of The New Age Movement
Apologetic Sites Critical of the New Age Movement
*Note- The doctrinal stances of each of the apologetic web-sites listed below are not necessarily the same as Covenant Christian School or the Protestant Reformed denomination that supports our school. Use these links with discernment.
Timeline of the New Age
Roots of the New Age
New Age in the Schools
The following links will help you with some of the false teachings of the New Age;
Holistic Health
New Age Jesus
Sites that are affiliated with the New Age Movement
*Note - These sites definitely do not represent the perspective taught by this course, these links are made available for research, to see what the groups themselves say they teach.
Angel Reflections
Benjamin Creme - Lord Maitreya