Non-Christian Religions & the Cults
Unit Nine: The Way International
The basic teachings of the group are listed below in the unit summary. To learn more on how to defend against these teachings check out the apologetic links below the summary. To learn more about what the group itself says, check out the links at the bottom of the page.
This group would be classified as a cult
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:" - II John:9-10
Unit Summary
Victor Paul Weirwille, the late founder and long-time president of the Way International, officially incorporated the Way International in 1955
Weirwille began teaching his Power For Abundant Living (PFAL) as a break through in practical Christianity and later the course was required for all those who sought to join his group.
Wierwille viewed himself as God's spokesman and believed he had God's true message which was not preached since the early church fell away to apostasy.
The movement utilizes a "Rock of Ages" festival to bring in young people and attract followers.
The group ridicules the teaching of the Trinity and treats it with sarcasm
Wierwille denies the deity of Christ and did so boldly in his book titles, Jesus Christ is Not God.
Members are encouraged to "manifest the spirit", largely by speaking in tongues
The Way is against keeping the Sabbath and water baptism.
Since the death of Victor Paul Wierwille in 1985, controversy and internal dissension have plagued the group.
Craig Martindale is the current leader, who has done little to make the group any more orthodox.
Check out the links below to find out more about him and his leadership of this group.
Profile of The Way
Apologetic Sites Critical of
*Note- The doctrinal stances of each of the apologetic web-sites listed below are not necessarily the same as Covenant Christian School or the Protestant Reformed denomination that supports our school. Use these links with discernment.
No Way Out