Non-Christian Religion and Cults
The systematic argumentative discourse in defense of a doctrine or belief, defense of the faith.
Website - Apologetics Online
An aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another, as in denouncing heresy.
Jude 3: "…urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.
Paul in Phillipians 1:7 "… for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel"
Paul in II Tim. 2:15, "… a workman who correctly handles the word of truth…"
Paul in II Tim. 4:2 "… correct, rebuke, an encourage – with great patience and careful instruction."
Peter in I Peter 3:15, "…always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."
Defending the Faith in Israel
1. Elijah’s encounter with the prophets of Baal. "How long halt ye between two opinions?" I Kings 18:21
2. Others : David, Abraham, Moses etc...
What did Jesus Say?
1. Matt. 12:34-39; ".. you brood of vipers…a wicked and adulterous generation."
2. Matt. 13:15; "… people’s heart has become calloused;"
3. Matt. 15:7; "… worship me in vain, teachings are rules taught by men."
4. Matt. 21; the parable of the wicked husbandmen and religious leaders of Israel
5. Matt. 23:23-25, 27, 28, 33 ; "hypocrites, full of greed, whitewashed tombs, snakes, vipers.
6. Matt. 15:14; "Jesus upbraid teachers who lead their followers into darkness."
The Apostles Speak Out
1. Peter: passages in Acts, defends against unbelieving Jews
2. Stephen: passages in Acts, defends against unbelieving Jews
3. Paul: Acts, Condemns Sorcery, spoke out against Jewish leaders, reasoned with them out of Scriptures in their Synagogues.
-contended with Jews and then against paganism of the Greeks
Galatians: defended his apostleship and the teachings of grace against the Judiazers
Early Church Fathers
1. Quadratus and Aristedes , defended Christianity in address to emperor Hadrian, 117 A.D.
2. Hegesippus wrote against heresies of Marcion
3. Justin Martyr wrote apology to emperor Antonius Pius
4. Tatian wrote versus the Greeks about 163 A.D.
5. Irenaeus – 170 A.D. , the Bishop of Lyons wrote against the Greeks and Gnostics
6. 194 A.D. Tertullisn wrote his apology
7. 205 – 250 A.D. Origen wrote against Beryllus and Celsus the Epicurean
Apologetics in the Councils
1. Council of Antioch
2. Council of Arles, 314 against Donatists
3. Council of Nicea, 325 against the Arian heresy
1. Augustine
2. Martin Luther
3. John Calvin
Apologists of Our Time
1. C.S. Lewis – literary apologist
2. Francis A. Schaeffer – philosophical apologist
3. Walter Martin – religious and cult apologist
4. Henry A. Morris – scientific apologist
5. Josh McDowell – historical apologist
6. John Warwick Montgomery – legal principles to defend Christian truth
Simplicity of the Gospel – II Corinthians 11:1-4
1. There is only one true God.
2. God is a Spirit who fills the heavens and the earth
3. God is not a man.
4. Jesus is Almighty God manifest in the flesh.
5. Jesus preexisted in Heaven, man didn’t.
6. We become children of God by adoption.
7. Jesus saves, forgives, and resurrects.
8. We are saved by grace through faith unto good works.
9. God makes us new creatures as Author and Finisher of our faith.